Humo Negro
Cigars for us, are a way of life. The philosophy is simple – use the best tobaccos to make cigars of the highest quality.
The new Humo Negro premium handmade cigars offer a meritage of the finest aged tobacco leaves selected and blended by master artisans. The line exemplifies master craftsmanship, rolled with unwavering quality according to tradition and redolent of the classic Costa Rican style. The draw is effortless, the burn even, the blends smooth and well-rounded, the construction flawless: an unforgettable cigar experience for the discerning palate.
Our cigars aim to give you the fabled cigar culture of Costa Rica. From selecting prime tobaccos to controlling the intimate details of the aging process, we take multiple factors into consideration to help produce a truly unique smoking experience.
Humo Negro was born at the hands of a professional turned cigar store owner with a passion for tobacco. We apply that same attention to detail to each and every cigar, and have spent countless hours working to procure the finest tobaccos and produce a unique line of high-quality products.
So, we have one goal: To give you, the cigar smoker, an unforgettable experience.
Forests are a wonderful resource for cleaning the air, purifying water, sequestering carbon, and sheltering wildlife. As part of Humo Negro's commitment to resource conservation, a program was designed and executed to develop ecological packaging.
The initiative started with the use of paper for ecological packaging as it will not consume a lot of wood or resources and therefore will not harm nature. The materials used in the manufacturing process are mainly biodegradable materials such as vegetable starch, wood cellulose and paper fibers. In most cases, they are 100% recyclable in this way, guaranteeing our commitment to the environment.